40+ days of no milk tea. It's been one of my "sacrifices" for Lent for the past few years. In case you missed a previous post, I am a milk tea addict.
It used to be that we had to make sure we would be able to get our milk tea fix for the week. Our (me and my sister) favorite has always been Happy Lemon's Pearl Milk Tea. Though comparatively speaking, the PMTs here (as we fondly call it) are no match for the ones we had in Hongkong. The local version seems "watered down" and lacks the richness that the Hongkong version has. Since it's the closest to what we've been looking for, we have to settle for it.
These days, it's like we're being taunted. It's almost ironic that we've been going to places where there is a Happy Lemon, when we can't have our milk tea fix! *sigh*
Anyway, since I haven't been able to get my usual fix, I needed to find a suitable substitute. It would be for the days when I need a pick-me-up. I've tried many drinks, from Gluteany's Lemon Yakult, to different types of teas in different places. As of my last count, there are now 11 tea places in and around the Banawe area alone. There's only 1 place so far that we haven't tried. So you could say that I've done my research.
One drink that I've come to like is Gluteany's RSC (Rock Salt & Cheese) with Black Tea. My first taste of RSC is from Happy Lemon, but I find that the RSC Cocoa Mix is just too rich and a bit too sinful as well. Plus, the last two times I had them, I wasn't happy with the drinks. Consistency has always been Happy Lemon's problem for me, and this time, it's the same thing. Their other options (Green Tea & Coffee) don't sound to appealing to me either. Gluteany's RSC, on the other hand, lacks the sweetness that Happy Lemon's RSC had. It's like they forgot to add in the sweetener to the mix. The 3rd time I tried an RSC-type of drink was in Gong Cha. I've tried Gong Cha before, but I only tried their milk teas. I didn't really know they had that type of drink. But theirs is called Milk Cream instead of RSC. So one time, I finally got to try their version. Gong Cha Milk Black Tea. I liked it immediately. But Gong Cha isn't as near. So the chance to get my fix wasn't as often as I would like. When needed, I settled for Gluteany, but it became clearer to me how much more I wanted Gong Cha's than theirs.
So in the past two weeks, I've been craving for Gong Cha. I had one two times last week. And once, so far, this week. I'm assuming the craving would die down as soon as Lent is over. When I could have milk teas again. I wonder, if given the choice, which would I pick?
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